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US Government Whistleblowers Are Targeted By Government Agents
After the Transportation Safety Administration snafu last week involving the release of their safety manual, the public is becoming more aware of what some call a national criminal racket whose job it is to punish whistleblowers who speak out against government corruption. We are angry and are not going to take it anymore...right? by Betsy Combier
Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting individual whistleblowers hits the skies
Deborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner, December 13, 2009

Punitive actions against these honest public servants send chilling signals to other would-be whistleblowers… - Captain Dan Hanley

CNN video interview with former Federal Air Marshall Robert MacLean

Shocking information about what was known before the Christmas day event

Nationwide criminal racket involving top-level government agencies such as DHS and DOJ threatens national security and targets whistleblowers

Self-identified targeted individuals’ claims of persecution and widespread, systemic Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DOJ) abuse of power are mounting with the grassroots organization, Medical Whistleblowers that includes its Transportation Whistleblower spokesperson, also spokesperson of the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association, Captain Dan Hanley.

Last week, Hanley stated that the Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Safety Authority were recently responsible for the greatest national and airline passenger security risks since 911 and he continues to highlight FBI and DOJ refusal to respond to former alleged criminal complaints involving United Airlines.

Criminal retaliation against TI whistleblowers

In COINTELPRO signature style of yesteryear, the FBI and DOJ grants immunity to criminals retaliating against citizens that attempt to expose corruption, such as “kidnapping of children, false incarceration after framed by criminal elements in civil and criminal authorities, impoverishment, coercion under duress, and serious physical injury up to and including death.” (Barbara Hollingsworth, UPDATE: FBI, DOJ refuse to investigate charges of judicial corruption, Examiner, 12/03/09)

Self-identified targeted individuals (TIs), many of whom are human rights defenders and corruption whistleblowers, many struggling to survive the above-named retaliatory criminal assaults and persecution, consistently report that the FBI refuses to investigate, the DOJ prevents legal support, and the mental health system denies advocacy.

Instead, TIs are re-victimized, often through forced medical and psychiatric evaluations, sometimes forced psychiatric treatment.

Senator Leahy called to action

Medical Whistleblower Executive Director Dr. Janet Parker has written to Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy about issues relating to reporting “Medical Fraud, Abuse and Neglect of Patients and Human Rights Violations” and the possibility of testifying before congressional committees.

Recently, American self-identified Targeted Individuals also wrote to Leahy calling for an investigation:

We, the undersigned, are therefore compelled to request that congressional hearings be held to examine our issues and hear our accounts of what is happening covertly in this country. It is time to end the cover-up and restore our country once again to its founding constitutional principles of freedom of justice for all.

Non-government groups across the nation are calling to impeach DOJ judge Jay Bybee for alleged war crimes resulting in thousands of innocent people being tortured, the latest protest against the 'Torture Judge' at court being last Thursday in Pasadena, California with Sharon Tipton saying, Bybee should be in jail, not sitting on the bench. (See Dupré, We will not be silent. Dupré inerviews Torture Judge Bybee protester Sharon Tipton, December 11, 2009)

Now, commercial aviation safety and security personnel terminated since 2001 for reporting security systems frailties, plus national and international whistleblower advocates want persecuted airline whistleblowers’ cases publicly reviewed.

These airline captains, federal air marshals and others attempting to protect passengers report that the FBI and DOJ refuse to investigate their claims, a national and passenger security grave risk.

Barbara Hollingworth of The Examiner reported that for three years, the FBI and DOJ have refused to investigate material evidence of a nationwide criminal racket allegedly infiltrated in state and federal courts, manipulating and exploiting litigants in bankruptcy, family and probate courts.

Fraud, computer hacking and money laundering

A 2006 affidavit claims that “multiple judges and lawyers are aware of and/or involved in alleged criminal acts,” naming Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, chief Northern District of Illinois bankruptcy judge in 1986.

Wedoff presided over the 2005 United Airlines (UA) bankruptcy resulting in 20 large unsecured creditors losing nearly $18 million and UA defaulting on $3.2 billion worth of pension obligations for over 134,000 employees, “the largest pension default in three decades – while its top executives walked off with millions in exit bonuses,” reported Hollingworth.

Dan Hanley, Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association ( public spokesperson and former United 777 captain forced out of his job after reporting safety issues impacting passengers, stated that the recent TSA security leak was the greatest threat to passenger security since 911.

Hanley also alleges that United management fraudulently withheld information from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) that took over their pensions, and that PBGC never conducted federally mandated analysis of the United pension fund before agreeing to its termination. Although the Securities and Exchange Commission recently agreed to look into the matter, it has not met its stated deadlines.

Hollingworth reports that a court affadavits allege United Airline associated illegal actions:

* Judge Wedoff and other alleged criminal judges of accepting $40 million in bribes at LaSalle National Bank in Chicago plus Wells Fargo and Northern Trust Bank in Arizona according to Hollingworth.
* Wedoff’s payoffs went into ERW Living Trust that purchased Lot 114 of Greenfield Place in Maricopa County, Arizona and the signature of ERW trustee, “Richard E. Williams” is identical to Judge Wedoff’s.
* A Phoenix, Arizona based criminal racketeering enterprise created fraudulent documents and identity theft to hack into the INSLAW court software program to funnel stolen private and government funds into Omega and Anchor Pure Trusts.
* These trusts dispersed the hot cash into personal trusts, such as ERW, that then used fake property mortgages already bought with cash to further launder the money.
* Multiple lawyers of prominent law firms” used fake federal marshal credentials to access the Federal Court Building in Chicago."
* Wedoff allowed a bankruptcy trustee to confiscate and destroy records and transfer 'large sums of money' to his account at La Salle, 'highly irregular and illegal.'

The FBI and DOJ have not investigated what appears to be a massive criminal infiltration of the federal court system. As Hollingworth posits, “The big unanswered question is: Why not?”

National security and air safety at risk

The Department of Transportation never responded to Hanley’s April 2006 letter to Secretary Mineta. Furthermore, the US Department of Transportation wrote to Hanley stating that his FAA Whistleblower Report, (filed via certified mail with FAA), was “lost” and, “We anticipate no further action from our office regarding this matter.”

In a December 12 letter to Inspector General, Department of Transportation Calvin L. Scovel, Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security Richard L. Skinner, and Inspector General, Department of Justice Glenn A. Fine, Hanley stated:

“The issues addressed in my original and subsequent FAA Whistleblower Reports concerned grave commercial aviation safety and security issues."

“Additionally, allegations of methods of suppression of honest pilots who speak out in the name of passenger safety, but are ushered off the property at their airline through employment of ‘hostile workplace environment forced medical and psychiatric evaluations’ were addressed, as this sometimes results in the pilot loss of his medical certification, a federal requirement to fly commercial jet aircraft.

“Without appropriate governmental oversight of departments responsible for ensuring passenger and aircrew safety, but even more importantly, insurance of enforcement of current whistleblower laws, which sometimes results in retaliatory action against whistleblowers, our national air safety and security is compromised.

Persecution of honest public servants sends "chilling signals to other would-be whistleblowers within the airline industry, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Federal Air Marshal program" says Hanley.

Ban Ki-moon has pledged to "fight discrimination targeting individuals vulnerable to attack," the 2009 International Human Rights theme being to end discrimination. Whistleblowers are among those most vulnerable to persecution, including assassination.

“With a 2% probability of success for today’s federal whistleblowers under existing laws, stronger language of HR 1507 must be included in the final passage of the ‘Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009,’” stated Hanley.

Learn more by taking responsible action and continuing to ask, "Why?" and "Why not?" Listen to:

Dr. Janet Parker’s Medical Whistleblower Blog Talk Radio Program, addressing safety issues, as have current FAA whistleblower Continental First Officer Newton Dickson, and former FAA whistleblower Delta Captain Wayne Witter on: 1) Medical Whistleblower Blog Talk Radio of August 1, 2009

2) Medical Whistleblower Blog Talk Radio August 8, 2009

Individuals from organizations as guests on ‘Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio Program’:

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of August 28, 2009

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of September 4, 2009

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of September 11, 2009

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of September 18, 2009

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of October 2, 2009

Whistleblowing Airline Employees Blog Talk Radio of October 8, 2009

Your subscribing to Deborah Dupré's reports and posting the link to this site (rather than entire article) are requested and appreciated unless republishing permission is granted. Emai Dupré is author of Operation H1N1: Vaccine Liberty or Death ebook available at

C.I.A. Blackwater hit squads, violence against innocent individuals
August 20, 2009; Deborah Dupre

The Central Intelligence Agency hiring private security contractors such as Blackwater USA for the secret “locate and assassinate” terrorists program, according to government officials and reported by Stephen Crowley in The New York Times, might relate to the influx of innocent citizens globally reporting counterterrorism-type extreme abuses since 2001.

Mark Mazzetti’s article, C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help in Plan to Kill Jihadists, published August 19, 2009 further exposes government hit squads against “terrorists” and “individual agreements with top company officials,” including Blackwater founder, Erik D. Prince, a “politically connected former member of the Navy Seals and heir to a family fortune.”

Navy Seals are commonly noted for their covert, high-technology assaults.

Executives from Blackwater generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in Iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance, spending several million dollars on the program that “did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects” according to Mazzetti's report.

One government official reportly said about the program, “It’s wrong to think this counterterrorism program was confined to briefing slides or doodles on a cafeteria napkin. “It went well beyond that.”

Rudimentary data about self-identified targeted individuals (SITIs) plus anecdotal reports indicate that since 2001, an influx of innocent, injured citizens have been lodging complaints with law enforcement; national and international human rights organizations; elected officials; and media about their experiencing covert, cruel and inhumane treatment.

This influx was one stated reason that in 2006, then Georgia Congressperson Cynthia McKinney called to reopen the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Cointelpro investigation with House Resolution 1026.

“A look back at the Nixon era Tom Charles Houston plan, referred to as ‘fascist’ by Congressional investigators, shows us it is being implemented in full since 9/11. Congress has a responsibility to open oversight hearings into the new abuses as well as their historical context, and to acknowledge and give relief to its victims then and now,” stated McKinney in the 2006 Washington press release. (emphasis added)

SITIs claim human rights violations involving a sophisticated, organized program adversely affecting their wellbeing.

Over 400 Americans publicly recorded claims of being targets of this treatment, many alleging effects of clandestine bombardment of electromagnetic weapon technology , in a widespread campaign of experimentation or outright persecution including violating their right to think. (Carol Smith, On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology, Global Research, October 18, 2007, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.)

In sheer desperation for survival, at least some of these SITIs resort to online self-help groups.

A look at content of SITI messages in these groups reveals their disturbing accounts: typically death threats, rapes, physical assaults and assassination attempts.

SITIs consistently report experiences reflecting mind-control tactics in their communities: for example “extreme” stalking (J. H. Kamphuis and P. M.G. Emmelkamp, Stalking — a contemporary challenge for forensic and clinical psychiatry, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The British Journal of Psychiatry (2000) 176: 206-209), forced isolation and noise campaigns that completely remove their ability to predict the future. This type of torture creates dependence on others, a helplessness.

SITIs claim being covertly tortured in their homes and communities. They are broken individuals. Many were respected, well-paid professionals before their experience.

SITIs' pleas for advocacy are consistently denied by medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, organizations of these professionals, police, elected officials, and media. As a profession, psychologists typically dismiss SITI claims.

According to SITI statements and emails, one could say that psychologists deny their reported experiences or are “just following orders” rather than following the precautionary principle, “do no harm.”

Instead of considering possibilities of advanced technology; widespread use of “interrogation” treatment; or non-consensual human experimentation; psychologists, as others, appear to re-victimize SITIs with labels before thorough investigation.

Delving deeper into other Bush-era counterterrorism programs

An untold number of targets are unaware that they are victims of Cointelpro-style abuse and/or non-consensual human research.

They do not attribute their ongoing “bad luck”; mishaps; animal killings; or mysterious, untreatable, disabling “environmental” diseases to covert operatives using old Cointelpro tactics plus new weapons of war to terrorize, “neutralize”, and prevent resisting the treatment.

Scientific research publicly available about this phenomenon is almost non-existent according to a report by Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton. (P. Phillips, L. Brown and B. Thornton, U.S. Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, As Study of the History of U.S. Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons, Sanoma State University, Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation, 2006.)

Some Congressional Democrats hint that the assassination program was one of many that the Bush administration hid from Congress and view this one as justification to investigate Bush-era counterterrorism programs.

Congressional Republicans criticized the decision to cancel the assassination program according to the New York Times Report.

SITIs say the program has not ended anymore than Cointelpro activities did after the 1976 Church Committee Investigation and orders to halt that program due to its criminal activities targeting law-abiding individuals and groups.

Learn more, take responsible action, and keep asking, "Why?" and "Why not?" For more information about counterintelligence and counterterrorism, watch for the Dupre' reports over the next six weeks. Email Dupre' for more information about how you can write for the Examiner. Subscribe below and support Dupre's human rights work on her website. Keep the peace through responsible action and accountability.

Warning Miranda: You Have a Right to Speak

August 20, 2009
C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help to Kill Jihadists

WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

Executives from Blackwater, which has generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in Iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance. The C.I.A. spent several million dollars on the program, which did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects.

The fact that the C.I.A. used an outside company for the program was a major reason that Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A.’s director, became alarmed and called an emergency meeting in June to tell Congress that the agency had withheld details of the program for seven years, the officials said.

It is unclear whether the C.I.A. had planned to use the contractors to actually capture or kill Qaeda operatives, or just to help with training and surveillance in the program. American spy agencies have in recent years outsourced some highly controversial work, including the interrogation of prisoners. But government officials said that bringing outsiders into a program with lethal authority raised deep concerns about accountability in covert operations.

Officials said the C.I.A. did not have a formal contract with Blackwater for this program but instead had individual agreements with top company officials, including the founder, Erik D. Prince, a politically connected former member of the Navy Seals and the heir to a family fortune. Blackwater’s work on the program actually ended years before Mr. Panetta took over the agency, after senior C.I.A. officials themselves questioned the wisdom of using outsiders in a targeted killing program.

Blackwater, which has changed its name, most recently to Xe Services, and is based in North Carolina, in recent years has received millions of dollars in government contracts, growing so large that the Bush administration said it was a necessary part of its war operation in Iraq.

It has also drawn controversy. Blackwater employees hired to guard American diplomats in Iraq were accused of using excessive force on several occasions, including shootings in Baghdad in 2007 in which 17 civilians were killed. Iraqi officials have since refused to give the company an operating license.

Several current and former government officials interviewed for this article spoke only on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing details of a still classified program.

Paul Gimigliano, a C.I.A. spokesman, declined to provide details about the canceled program, but he said that Mr. Panetta’s decision on the assassination program was “clear and straightforward.”

“Director Panetta thought this effort should be briefed to Congress, and he did so,” Mr. Gimigliano said. “He also knew it hadn’t been successful, so he ended it.”

A Xe spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who leads the Senate Intelligence Committee, also declined to give details of the program. But she praised Mr. Panetta for notifying Congress. “It is too easy to contract out work that you don’t want to accept responsibility for,” she said.

The C.I.A. this summer conducted an internal review of the assassination program that recently was presented to the White House and the Congressional intelligence committees. The officials said that the review stated that Mr. Panetta’s predecessors did not believe that they needed to tell Congress because the program was not far enough developed.

The House Intelligence Committee is investigating why lawmakers were never told about the program. According to current and former government officials, former Vice President Dick Cheney told C.I.A. officers in 2002 that the spy agency did not need to inform Congress because the agency already had legal authority to kill Qaeda leaders.

One official familiar with the matter said that Mr. Panetta did not tell lawmakers that he believed that the C.I.A. had broken the law by withholding details about the program from Congress. Rather, the official said, Mr. Panetta said he believed that the program had moved beyond a planning stage and deserved Congressional scrutiny.

“It’s wrong to think this counterterrorism program was confined to briefing slides or doodles on a cafeteria napkin,” the official said. “It went well beyond that.”

Current and former government officials said that the C.I.A.’s efforts to use paramilitary hit teams to kill Qaeda operatives ran into logistical, legal and diplomatic hurdles almost from the outset. These efforts had been run by the C.I.A.’s counterterrorism center, which runs operations against Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks.

In 2002, Blackwater won a classified contract to provide security for the C.I.A. station in Kabul, Afghanistan, and the company maintains other classified contracts with the C.I.A., current and former officials said.

Over the years, Blackwater has hired several former top C.I.A. officials, including Cofer Black, who ran the C.I.A. counterterrorism center immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks.

C.I.A. operatives also regularly use the company’s training complex in North Carolina. The complex includes a shooting range used for sniper training.

An executive order signed by President Gerald R. Ford in 1976 barred the C.I.A. from carrying out assassinations, a direct response to revelations that the C.I.A. had initiated assassination plots against Fidel Castro of Cuba and other foreign politicians.

The Bush administration took the position that killing members of Al Qaeda, a terrorist group that attacked the United States and has pledged to attack it again, was no different from killing enemy soldiers in battle, and that therefore the agency was not constrained by the assassination ban.

But former intelligence officials said that employing private contractors to help hunt Qaeda operatives would pose significant legal and diplomatic risks, and they might not be protected in the same way government employees are.

Some Congressional Democrats have hinted that the program was just one of many that the Bush administration hid from Congressional scrutiny and have used the episode as a justification to delve deeper into other Bush-era counterterrorism programs.

But Republicans have criticized Mr. Panetta’s decision to cancel the program, saying he created a tempest in a teapot.

“I think there was a little more drama and intrigue than was warranted,” said Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.

Officials said that the C.I.A. program was devised partly as an alternative to missile strikes using drone aircraft, which have accidentally killed civilians and cannot be used in urban areas where some terrorists hide.

Yet with most top Qaeda operatives believed to be hiding in the remote mountains of Pakistan, the drones have remained the C.I.A.’s weapon of choice. Like the Bush administration, the Obama administration has embraced the drone campaign because it presents a less risky option than sending paramilitary teams into Pakistan.

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