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is to put tax dollar expenditures and other monies used or spent by our federal, state and/or city governments before your eyes and in your hands.

Through our website, you can learn your rights as a taxpayer and parent as well as to which programs, monies and more you may be entitled...and why you may not be able to exercise these rights.

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The E-Accountability Foundation announces the

'A for Accountability' Award

to those who are willing to whistleblow unjust, misleading, or false actions and claims of the politico-educational complex in order to bring about educational reform in favor of children of all races, intellectual ability and economic status. They ask questions that need to be asked, such as "where is the money?" and "Why does it have to be this way?" and they never give up. These people have withstood adversity and have held those who seem not to believe in honesty, integrity and compassion accountable for their actions. The winners of our "A" work to expose wrong-doing not for themselves, but for others - total strangers - for the "Greater Good"of the community and, by their actions, exemplify courage and self-less passion. They are parent advocates. We salute you.

Winners of the "A":

Johnnie Mae Allen
David Possner
Dee Alpert
Aaron Carr
Harris Lirtzman
Hipolito Colon
Larry Fisher
The Giraffe Project and Giraffe Heroes' Program
Jimmy Kilpatrick and George Scott
Zach Kopplin
Matthew LaClair
Wangari Maathai
Erich Martel
Steve Orel, in memoriam, Interversity, and The World of Opportunity
Marla Ruzicka, in Memoriam
Nancy Swan
Bob Witanek
Peyton Wolcott
[ More Details » ]
Throughout the US, School Districts Fail to Prepare Students or Their Parents For Terrorist Attacks
A new study by America Prepared Campaign surveyed 20 of the largest school districts in America and found that many did not implement policies that protect students in the event of a terrorist attack. "During the school day, governments - accountable public officials - are responsible for the safety of our children. Their work is not voluntary." American Prepared Campaign
The America Prepared Campaign creates and disseminates messages aimed at encouraging Americans to take simple steps to lessen the damage to them and their families that might come from another terrorist attack. A survey of 20 of the largest school districts in America found many- too many - SDs are not implementing appropriate measures to assure that children and their parents know what to do if there is a terrorist attack.

"...terrorism preparedness in schools is the one area where the cause has much less to do with citizens voluntarily taking responsibility for themselves and their children than it has to do with the government - in this case, our local governments and their school systems - doing its job. During the school day, governments - accountable public officials - are responsible for the safety of our children. Their work is not voluntary."

"...Especially in light of the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission, it benefits none of us if we mince words about how the nation's school officials are fulfilling, or not fulfilling, their responsibility to protect our
children from another terrorist attack. Those who are doing well deserve high praise and should have
their work held up as a model. Those who are failing should be embarrassed into improving, and as the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission made clear, embarrassed out of claiming a lack of resources or
time or other priorities as excuses for not acting."

© 2003 The E-Accountability Foundation