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NYS Supreme Court Overturns Arbitrator Mary Crangle's Decision To Terminate a Teacher at 3020-a For Lack Of Due Process
A sexy Spanish teacher who got sacked after she allegedly engaged in a sizzling lesbian schoolhouse romp with a fellow teacher deserves a second chance to return to the classroom, a Manhattan judge ruled.
Alini Brito and Cindy mauro were attacked in the news media as having a sexual encounter in a classroom at James madison HS. What may have happened is that nothing happened except Alini Brito fell to the floor after a sugar low, and Cindy Mauro tried to help her.

NYC Arbitrator Mary Crangle is well-known for her harsh and incomprehensible decisions against NYC teachers brought before her at 3020-a Arbitration. This is a decision that shows that New York State Supreme Court Judge Alice Schlesinger is not buying, just like she didnt buy into the claims made against Teddy Smith.

Are you listening, NYS Department of Education?

Alini Brito Petition
Alini Brito decision by Schlesinger

Topless tryst’ teach gets second chance after judge's ruling
By YOAV GONEN and JOSE MARTINEZ, June 15, 2012

Give that lady an “A+” for effort.

A sexy Spanish teacher who got sacked after she allegedly engaged in a sizzling lesbian schoolhouse romp with a fellow teacher deserves a second chance to return to the classroom, a Manhattan judge ruled.

Alini Brito — whose notorious topless classroom tryst with French teacher Cindy Mauro turned Brooklyn’s James Madison HS into a laughingstock — sued the Department of Education last year in an attempt to score a new disciplinary hearing.

In a blistering decision, Supreme Court Justice Alice Schlesinger slammed the city and eviscerated an arbitrator for dishing out an “excessive and shockingly severe” punishment to the teacher.


“So what are we left with here?” Schlesinger wrote. “We have children who are deprived of a first-class, caring teacher, and a teacher who, due to one sensational, publicly exploited incident where she exhibited extremely poor judgment, is deprived of continuing a career she loves and excels at.

“That is not a good balance, in the opinion of this court. In fact, the imbalance is shockingly bad.”

The 32-year-old teacher made headlines in 2009 when a James Madison janitor and school safety agents squealed that she and Mauro had engaged in sexual shenanigans in a darkened third-floor classroom while students performed in a song-and- dance performance.

Brito was canned in spectacular fashion after she allegedly was spotted in the buff with Mauro.

Mauro had been accused of pulling Brito from the performance with the promise of “sugar and candy” because the diabetic teacher wasn’t feeling well.

The teachers had gone for dinner earlier, with Brito downing an appletini and a shot of tequila .

The judge sided with Brito, saying she was deprived of due process by the Department of Education’s bungling of a key piece of evidence.

Schlesinger slammed the city for destroying a schoolhouse surveillance tape that Brito’s lawyers said could undo witness accounts that they described as the products of revved-up imaginations.

“To understand the significance of the videotape, one must recognize that there was, of course, another side to the events that occurred on the evening of November 20, 2009, which is far different than the presentation offered by the DOE,” the judge wrote.

“This account presented by petitioner Brito was wholly rejected by the hearing officer, who analyzed it through her own personal lens and concluded that it was incredible in every respect.”

Kate Ahlers, a spokeswoman for the city’s Law Department, said, “We strongly disagree with the decision and will be appealing it.”

Last night, Brito’s attorney Aaron Altman said she was celebrating the ruling.

“The fact is that Ms. Brito was a stellar teacher,” he said.

Mauro, too, sued, and her case is pending.

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