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The California Prison System is in Chaos, Writes The Corrections Independent Review Panel
What this means for you is that the current Police State actions being taken against you, your family, neighbor or friend is real, is dangerous because you have no defense, and you will not survive. Look at Rudy Giuliani, for instance, and his trusted friend Bernard Kerik... by Betsy Combier
Many Americans believe that our country is now in the grips of a crime wave...not by the "usual" suspects but by very wealthy individuals and groups who establish connections with the police and Child Services to take away our rights and destroy our families and lives.

In New York City, children and teachers are being arrested for crimes they had nothing to do with, and put into prison, in some cases, without due process, a violation of the US Constitution's Bill of Rights.

Below is a report on California prisons that is graphic and horrific. Replace "California" with your state, and you have what we believe is the State of the USA today. Has your state legislature looked into your Department of Corrections? Have the police entered your school and/or home? What has happened in California has already occurred in New York City, where Mayor Rudy Giuliani cleaned up our streets and put police in total control to do anything they wanted. We all better think twice about this man, his allegience to Bernard Kerik, and the Presidency of the United States.

Betsy Combier

Prison System Condemned in Concealed Report by Independent Review Panel
Internet exclusive: On Full Disclosure™ Video News Blog
Video Blog Time: 10:30 min.
Release Date: March 24, 2007


Los Angeles, CA California’s prison system has been condemned in a 400 page report that to this day has been basically concealed from the public. The report, of the Corrections Independent Review Panel cost the State over a million dollars and took five months of intensive investigations to complete, was presented to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Department of Corrections in June of 2004. Heading the review panel was former California Governor George Deukmejian, appointed by the Governor to investigate the Department of Corrections with the assistance of a cadre of law enforcement experts representing many agencies and associations. Here is the Executive Summary posted on the Department of Corrections website.

The Full Disclosure Network™ presents this ten minute video presentation featuring Joe Gunn, Executive Director of Corrections Independent Review Panel told FDN host Leslie Dutton the prison system was in “chaos, a disaster and total disarray”. This is the second in a series of FDN video news blogs covering the ongoing crisis in California’s jail and prison system. DVDs of the series are available for purchase.

Here are a few of the many points covered in the video and report:

The panel spent months reviewing reports and materials from Office of Inspector General, Little Hoover Commission, State Auditor.
Interviewed current and former members of Governor’s Staff, State Legislators, current and former members of Department of Corrections staff, California Youth Authority, Office of Inspector General staff, members of the Little Hoover Commission, leadership of the CCPOA (prison guards association), experts in the field and concerned citizens, totally 470 people altogether.
The panel presented 239 recommendations to reform the state’s correctional system.
Listed as some of the major problems are: Ethics, “code of silence”, Union/labor contracts and influence over management, union campaign donations, use of force, accountability, and youthful offenders.

Known as “the news behind the news” the Full Disclosure Network™ is seen on 43 cable systems and the Internet website at In 2002 the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented host Leslie Dutton with an Emmy for the 2001 public affairs series entitled “L.A.'s War Against Terrorism" featuring LAPD Chief Bernard Parks, L.A. County Sheriff Leroy Baca, L.A. City Councilman Mark Ridley Thomas and Police Union Director, LAPD Captain Ken Hillman. Channels and airtimes can be found on the website.

Solving California's Corrections Crisis: Time is Running Out

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Former Business Partner of Giuliani Faces Charges Wires
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Federal prosecutors have told former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik he is likely to be charged with several felonies, according to a report in the Washington Post.

Kerik, a former business partner of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, faces possible indictments including tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wiretapping, the Post said.

President George W. Bush nominated Kerik as homeland security secretary in 2004 after Giuliani personally recommended Kerik for the job. Later, Kerik withdrew his nomination following disclosures that he failed to pay Social Security taxes for a nanny.

Citing anonymous legal sources directly familiar with the investigation, the Post reported that the former mayor and Presidential candidate is not in any legal jeopardy. Furthermore the 9/11 icon and his consulting firm have cooperated in the FBI's investigation of Kerik.

Among the expected charges is filing false information to the government when Bush nominated him to the new Cabinet post, said the newspaper's legal sources.

Underlying the tax evasion charge is an allegation that Kerik failed to include in his tax returns gifts he received while serving as New York's corrections commissioner.

One of those gifts was renovations to an apartment Kerik had purchased.

There is also a matter of loans Kerik received while he was in private business with Giuliani, and information Kerik had left off a mortgage application.

Kerik rejected an offer to plead guilty to charges that would have required him to serve prison time, said the Post. Kerik's attorney, Kenneth Breen, told the newspaper his client had done nothing wrong.

"He's not going to plead to something that he didn't do," Breen said.

The long ongoing FBI investigation targeted Kerik's activities while he and Giuliani were both in public service and jointly operating Giuliani-Kerik, which was in the business of consulting for startup companies both here and overseas, as well as doing federal work.

Giuliani-Kerik, the security arm of Giuliani Partners was started by Giuliani after he left office as New York's mayor in 2001. Kerik left the firm after being nominated for the Homeland Security post.

Kerik first drew national attention while leading the New York Police Department's response to the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Some 18 months after his Homeland Security nomination tanked over ethics questions, Kerik pleaded guilty to accepting tens of thousands of dollars in gifts while he was a top city official.

Handled as misdemeanors in state Supreme Court in the Bronx, that deal spared him any jail time. Kerik was ordered to pay a total of $221,000 in fines.

According to the Post report, any ensuing courtroom clashes may highlight Kerik's extensive business and political dealings with the Republican frontrunner.

Republican political consultant Nelson Warfield said Kerik's legal turmoil could damage the law-and-order image that buttresses Giuliani's campaign.

"Kerik has potential to undermine his image as a competent leader and someone best fit to fight terrorism," Warfield told the Post. "Either he had fundamentally bad information about Kerik, or he was reckless in not knowing enough about a man who was that close to him."

So far, Giuliani's office has declined to comment on Kerik's latest legal troubles.

Bernard Kerik, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Police Commissioner and Now His Colleague, Loses Again in Court

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