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The E-Accountability Foundation announces the

'A for Accountability' Award

to those who are willing to whistleblow unjust, misleading, or false actions and claims of the politico-educational complex in order to bring about educational reform in favor of children of all races, intellectual ability and economic status. They ask questions that need to be asked, such as "where is the money?" and "Why does it have to be this way?" and they never give up. These people have withstood adversity and have held those who seem not to believe in honesty, integrity and compassion accountable for their actions. The winners of our "A" work to expose wrong-doing not for themselves, but for others - total strangers - for the "Greater Good"of the community and, by their actions, exemplify courage and self-less passion. They are parent advocates. We salute you.

Winners of the "A":

Johnnie Mae Allen
David Possner
Dee Alpert
Aaron Carr
Harris Lirtzman
Hipolito Colon
Larry Fisher
The Giraffe Project and Giraffe Heroes' Program
Jimmy Kilpatrick and George Scott
Zach Kopplin
Matthew LaClair
Wangari Maathai
Erich Martel
Steve Orel, in memoriam, Interversity, and The World of Opportunity
Marla Ruzicka, in Memoriam
Nancy Swan
Bob Witanek
Peyton Wolcott
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New York City Mayor Bloomberg's "Mein Kampf": The Vault Message Board Emails From Bloomberg LLP Employees
We have been reading the comments of employees of Bloomberg LLP for years, as posted on the Vault message board. There are very interesting views on age discrimination, retaliation, autocratic control, and other management practices of Mike's company managers that show exactly what he thinks about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It seems that he does not think too highly of these constitutional rights.
In 1925-26, Adolf Hitler's vision of the world as he wanted it to be, was published. If the world had taken notice of this statement on white supremacy, maybe history would have been different:

Mein Kampf
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cover of Mein Kampf Volume 1 (First Edition)Mein Kampf (English translation: My Struggle or My Fight) is the signature work of Adolf Hitler, combining elements of autobiography with an exposition of Hitler's political ideology of Nazism. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925, with volume 2 in 1926.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler makes a biographical account of his life and also describes plans for German-allied countries to rule Europe, along a racist worldview of white supremacy with "Aryans" as the "master race" at the top and Jews at the bottom: Germany would re-arm and join Britain and Italy as allies to defeat France and Eastern Europe, eventually overthrowing the Soviet Union to conquer the so-called "twin evils" of Communism and Judaism, giving Germany Lebensraum ("living-space") to the east.

We suggest that the email listserv used by Bloomberg LLP employees shows Michael Bloomberg's "Mein Kampf" to control every aspect of life in New York City, starting with the top-down and often despotic way
he runs his company. We have been reading the Vault emails for years,
Welcome to the Bloomberg L.P. Employee Message Board

and here are a few updated entries:

Can someone check this out?

This message has been recommended 17 times by Vault community members.

Jan 16, 2007 4:38 PM EST

I worked at Bloomberg, and we left, and not on the best terms.

One thing I did notice is how many chronically ill people worked for Bloomberg, merely for the extraordinary health benefits.

I think that there is a function on the Bloomberg that lets you determine if a person is chronically ill and on a leave of absence - can anyone verify?

The good part about working for a company like BBG is if you are chronically ill, you've got them over a barrel if they fire you for it.

But they always have other dirt on you

This message has been recommended 14 times by Vault community members.

Jan 17, 2007 5:58 AM EST

and if they want to fire you, they will use the dirt and not the health reasons. They monitor computer usage, your comings and goings (to the minute), etc. If they dont have enough real dirt, they are very good at fabricating "performance" issues.

try taking paternity time

This message has been recommended 11 times by Vault community members.

Jan 19, 2007 8:43 AM EST

you go to HR to disucss it and it's like "Let's Make a Deal" if it were run by the CIA.

"how much time can I take ?"
-"How much do you want"
"Is there a set amount"
-"You tell us what you think"
"But I want to know the norm"
-"There is no norm"
"Ok whats the max"

listen and listen good

This message has been recommended 10 times by Vault community members.

Jan 19, 2007 9:49 AM EST

if you have become genuinely ill... real chronic illness, don't be ashamed... take the leave you need TO GET BETTER. Of course, if you're milking the system I hope you get run over by a truck because you make it tough on the people who have real health problems.

But for the people with real disabilities and illness:

If those Bumberg bastards give you trouble because you get sick or pregnant... sue the daylights out of them... Don't be shy, sue everyone from the weasel team leader that gives you trouble, to the sub human HR person; sue right up the chain of command. They will all deny they have any responsibility so you have to sue everyone one of those cretins right up to that bum Grauer. Understand? You know the culture and how decisions are made in your department... everyone involved has to be put on the legal hot seat.. you need to put the Bloomberg legal department on the defensive!!

Wear a wire if you have to into meetings with your untrustworthy TLs and HR spooks. I am serious about this!

if you are sick.. really sick.. where your life is on the line.. don't let these people screw around with your life and the lives of your family. .. because these bastards are sick enough to play god with your life.

You fight back with every ounce of legal protection you have. Find the best lawyer and go after them.

There is something called THE RULE of LAW... NYC, NY State Human Rights LAw, along with Federal EEOC, Disability laws.. FIGHT BACK. Just because that pip squeak shortie whiner is mayor and owns the company doesn't mean he owns judges!

Don't let them get away with trumping up false charges against you.

If you've done your part of the deal... put in the time, done the job well.. and then get sick... DONT LET THEM KICK YOU OUT.

Take leave.. take paternity time.

HR maternity leave

This message has been recommended 11 times by Vault community members.

Jan 19, 2007 10:07 AM EST

I did take the time ( I was just passivly bullied and made to feel that my job might be on the line ). There is already a law suit pending re: Women who were slowly pushed out for taking maternity leave ( I know a person who this did this to , so it is not second hand).

MattTinkler is Right on the Money

This message has been recommended 13 times by Vault community members.

Jan 19, 2007 10:22 AM EST

No matter what your problem is with the company and there is a possibility of legal action down the road, take every precaution to bolster your case. Tinkler recommends you wear a wire. Believe it or not, this is good advice. They can't deny words on a tape. And, it is not illegal for a tape to be made in NY or NJ without the second party knowing it.

Also, keep copies of all email correspondence. If you are having a problem with a manager, rehash the whole thing and send it to your manager or HR or both and then make copies. This way your complaint is in print. If you already had a discussion with the bozos, reiterate their draconian response in your email--again so it is on the record.

There are several lawsuits against Bloomberg pending regarding denial of legal employment rights and their are lawyers willing to fight them on a contingency fee. I'm waiting for the day when Bloomberg is sued for the overtime they never paid employees working over 40 hours a week. IBM just had to fork over $60-million, as well as Merck, etc.

Out function

This message has been recommended 13 times by Vault community members.

Jan 19, 2007 1:17 PM EST

Tells people how many sickies you have. most people use the depression one, you can go off and on forever. People been off for years on that one. Basically they go see the nurse, tell them they are worn out stressed. That's logged. Then they go see a doc. Tell em they have 200 DRQS's and 50 TREQS and they cant take it anymore.


This message has been recommended 16 times by Vault community members.

Jan 20, 2007 11:28 AM EST

the depression one does sound a bit weak, but let your puny mind try to grasp that people really do get sick.. really sick... nearly mortally sick.. and yet that company will try to kick them out. that's wrong. it's not only wrong, but it is against the LAW! even depression can become a major issue if you've got a terrorist, scum bag team leader. Until you have heart bypass, or battle prostate cancer, or have some sort of major surgery you should just STFU!

Did you know?

Feb 7, 2007 9:55 AM EST

Did anyone notice how many fake appointments are being made by the media teams? Look at how many of them enter appointments at the last minute and the appoinments happen fall in a time sequence to fill a day. Seems that many appointments happen to be very close to where they live.

So what?

Feb 7, 2007 3:33 PM EST

So what, do you think this is new to that side of the business? That was standard business practice when C.K. was in charge, now that T.F. is there you can count on more phantom meetings getting entered in their outs.

That's nothing

Feb 7, 2007 8:43 PM EST

Too much time on your hands over there ms. goalpage? Don't you like working for the pennies that are thrown at you? Why do you have to pick on the dedicated workers in media? Just because they can come and go as they please, don't make goal calls and enjoy salaries greater than 150k that is no reason to single them out. They don't get the type of certs you get. They have to suffer there, less than 100 certs are shuffled into their mix. The question you should be asking is "Why was a majority of the TL's shuffled and none from media?" Would you like the answer ms. goalpage?

Who is T.F.?

Feb 9, 2007 3:49 PM EST

Who is T.F.? and what is with the "travel time" that shows up in their out? Core Sales reps would get reprimanded by TL's and SM's for that nonsense.

Who is T.F.?

Feb 9, 2007 3:49 PM EST

Who is T.F.? and what is with the "travel time" that shows up in their out? Core Sales reps would get reprimanded by TL's and SM's for that nonsense.

attribution is important

Author: gnomedad
Date: Feb 5, 2007 9:29 PM EST

Be careful not to give credit to TS for everything which comes out of R&D/Business Management. Quite the contrary, more typically he is dragged kicking and screaming to the ATM; witness both the Brainpower acquisition and the Numerix jv. At the end of the day, inclination to "build it rather than buy it" is rooted in unwillingness/inability to share revenue and cede any control. That is why Brainpower was bought, and Numerix was in such desperate straits after Reuters ditched them in favor of buying Application Networks (J-Risk) that they were a hopelessly easy touch.

what about TS?

Author: blprocks
Date: Jan 26, 2007 10:24 PM EST

Then what would TS do? It's his empire and, as a part owner I guess he could do whatever he wants.


Author: blprocks
Date: Jan 28, 2007 5:27 PM EST

Makes more sense. Not for nothing, but TS is a little bit narrow sited like anyone else who hasn't worked anywhere but BB. The only difference is that he's stinking rich and doesn't really have to go work anywhere.

He should focus on nothing but customer facing functions and leave the internal business functions to the 3rd party vendors that BB is slowly phasing in (Payroll, HR, accounting, billing, recruiting, facilties management are all moved to/moving to 3rd party software packages). That was a board decision. If it was up to him, BB would be writing software for everything even if it meant employing 100 developers who could be writing software that would make the company money (i.e. customer functions).

It amazed me when he recently said to someone that the MSG function has everything anyone should need for emailing (he was comparing it to Outlook, no less). My response, if I didn't value my job, would have been "How about REPLY TO ALL?!?!!?"

What makes you so sure ?

Author: gettinout
Date: Jan 29, 2007 10:21 PM EST

I'm certainly not here to defend TS, but it seems like you might be a bit "narrow sited".
First of all, he doesn't "work at Bloomberg". He's a founding partner - slight difference, don't you think? And how can you say he "hasn't worked anywhere but BB" ?? Working at Solomon with Mike B doesn't count ?
So the board decided to move to 3rd party vendors, but TS opposed it? TS is on the board. Are you privvy to how he voted and what he said behind closed doors? GIVE US ALL A BREAK.
I agree some of his technology decisions are surprising, but after spending 25 years building a wildly successful multi-billion dollar company, I can hardly fault him for sticking with what has worked. Did you ever consider that he MIGHT know a thing or two about vendor integration? Do you think we're getting a good return on the $35 million for SAP?


Author: blprocks
Date: Jan 29, 2007 11:05 PM EST

He's a lifer, and rightly so. I would be too if I was a founding father. But he's been nowhere but BB for the last 25 years. He knows COMDB and the BIG and will champion them to the end as the solution to everything under the sun.

He knows what works for customers and should devote every developer resource to customer functions. Period. BB's core strength is in the customer facing side. We make no money when we keep paying people to maintain business functions that are severlely lacking in features.

The world of backoffice software has evolved 20-fold while BB continued to employ developers to maintain crappy functions like OUT, BFIT, ASKHR, PURC, ORD, SOR, etc. They worked when it was a $1M company. But not anymore.

And yes, we have made our investment back in SAP, which was far less than $35M to start. That much I know for a fact. People can knock the difficulty learning the software (like learning the BB), but it's a proven package that's been used in global businesses for over 30 years.

The next rollout(sales/billing) later this year will provide even more business return.

The Vault: Bloomberg LLP

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