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America on the Move: New York May Become the Healthiest State on the Move
Statistics show that Americans of all ages have become fat and eat unhealthy food. America on the Move plans to change that, and New York State is gearing up for the competition.
New York Residents to Step-Up in Challenge to Become Healthiest State On the Move


BUFFALO, N.Y., Nov. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- America On the Move (AOM), a national grassroots initiative that promotes healthy eating and active living, is asking Americans to step up for their state by pledging to go the extra mile for energy balance on Friday, November 5. The pledge challenges Americans to take a look at their daily habits and encourages them to walk more and eat less.

As the local AOM affiliate, Be Active New York State is encouraging all New York citizens to get moving and take the pledge for National America On the Move Day. Pledges are accepted online and by calling 1-800-807-0077 now through November 5.

To introduce New York residents to a healthier lifestyle through the simple concept of walking 2,000 more steps per day and decreasing caloric intake by 100 calories per day, Be Active New York State, in collaboration with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Utica Region, has partnered with Oriskany School District to launch the America On the Move program with over 400 students in grades 7-12. The six-week program launched on September 24, 2004 inspires students to engage in simple, fun ways to become more active, eat healthier and as a result, achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

America On the Move activities will culminate at the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 67th Annual Conference in Buffalo, NY on November 3-6, 2004. Over 1000 educators will be in attendance. Be Active New York State will be on-site to register conference
attendees for the National America On the Move pledge and will be raffling a $1000 grant from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Utica Region, to help launch an America On the Move program in another qualifying school.

"In an effort to demonstrate how simple it is to make small lifestyle changes that have big benefits on overall health, we ask all Americans to make a pledge to go the extra mile to prevent weight gain," said James O. Hill, Ph.D., co-founder of America On the Move, obesity expert and Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. "Getting involved is easy. All it takes is a commitment to walk an extra 2,000 steps, about one mile, and consume 100 fewer calories for one day, on Friday, November 5. If we can convince people to make this change for one day, they'll see how easy it is and hopefully, make a habit of it. Doing so could go a long way in addressing our nation's obesity epidemic."

AOM is already collecting pledges from individuals across the country. The group is tallying pledges made from each of the 50 states. The state with the most pledges in the weeks leading up to National AOM Day will earn the title of the "Healthiest State On the Move."

AOM Day pledge registrants 18 years and older will be entered into a randomly selected drawing for a chance to win an iPod Mini and free iTunes, an AMEX gift card, gift certificates for active wear, The Step Diet book with personal pedometer and a MindWalks guide.

For more information about America On the Move and National AOM Day, please visit the website or call Wendy Artman at 920-494-1753. For information about local AOM Day events, please contact Jenn Smartt
at 617-242-1484. To access our online media kit, visit America on the Move/Press.
Interviews can be arranged with AOM co-founder, Dr. James Hill, as well as with the local Be Active New York Affiliates in several states.

About America On the Move

America On the Move (AOM) is a nationwide movement dedicated to helping communities across our nation make positive changes to improve the health and
quality of life of all their citizens. AOM aims to initiate and maintain meaningful and measurable social, environmental, and individual behavior changes that will serve to support healthy eating and active living habits in our society. AOM is an initiative of the non-profit organization the Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living and is based on scientific research. AOM is designed to provide education, support and tools to Americans of all ages to encourage them to take just 2000 extra steps each day (the equivalent of about one mile), and eat 100 calories less each day in order to create a balance between energy expenditure and consumption.

The group works to promote the development of active and healthy environments through its Affiliate network of states, communities, employer groups, schools and other member organizations. For more information, please visit America on the Move

Jennifer Smartt
Ph: (617) 242-1484

SOURCE America On The Move (AOM)

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