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The E-Accountability Foundation announces the

'A for Accountability' Award

to those who are willing to whistleblow unjust, misleading, or false actions and claims of the politico-educational complex in order to bring about educational reform in favor of children of all races, intellectual ability and economic status. They ask questions that need to be asked, such as "where is the money?" and "Why does it have to be this way?" and they never give up. These people have withstood adversity and have held those who seem not to believe in honesty, integrity and compassion accountable for their actions. The winners of our "A" work to expose wrong-doing not for themselves, but for others - total strangers - for the "Greater Good"of the community and, by their actions, exemplify courage and self-less passion. They are parent advocates. We salute you.

Winners of the "A":

Johnnie Mae Allen
David Possner
Dee Alpert
Aaron Carr
Harris Lirtzman
Hipolito Colon
Larry Fisher
The Giraffe Project and Giraffe Heroes' Program
Jimmy Kilpatrick and George Scott
Zach Kopplin
Matthew LaClair
Wangari Maathai
Erich Martel
Steve Orel, in memoriam, Interversity, and The World of Opportunity
Marla Ruzicka, in Memoriam
Nancy Swan
Bob Witanek
Peyton Wolcott
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Texas Teachers Allegedly are Manipulating Testing Criteria; Money & Taxes are an Issue
Who is minding the store?

Citizens for Aldine candidates have been contacted by a number of concerned teachers from more than one Aldine High School who tell us that some administrators are manipulating testing criteria for students taking the state mandated TAAS and TAKS examinations for the purpose of achieving Recognized or Exemplary ratings which affect the amount of bonus and promotion opportunities for administrators within the district.

The teacher group that seeks to expose the practice is fearful of retaliation, if they go to the Administration with their observations. In an effort to reflect neutrality on this issue, Citizens for Aldine candidates have elected to provide this information to the TEA and State Attorney General for investigation of the alleged practices and to determine whether the acts are proper.

We will reserve public comment until a thorough investigation has been conducted and the results made public.


During the 2003 TAAS testing cycle, some Aldine administrators engaged in improper practices by not allowing certain students to become 10 th graders. Hundreds of students were promoted from the 9 th grade to the 11 th grade. Because the TAAS exit level was accounted for at the 10 th grade level, students who failed it during 11 th or 12 th grades did not affect the district's accountability. So the district administratively denied historically low performing students the right to become 10 th graders.

Aldine high schools consist of 10 th through 12 th grades, but many of the students entered as re-classified 9 th graders and were not allowed to take the TAAS exit exam until they became 10 th graders. But they never became 10 th graders . During the summer, 9 th graders became 11 th graders. Thus, their scores never counted towards establishing Recognized ratings and administrative bonuses. Students were denied the opportunity to test at the 10 th grade level, resulting in only two opportunities to TAAS test before graduation.

The few anticipated failures who slipped through the no-10 th grade loop were coded "Do Not Score" if they rushed or slept during the TAAS test. Some teachers administering the test decided the state test should not be scored and did not score them.


Now that TAKS tests 11 th graders, students are promoted from the 10 th grade to the 12 th grade . The students are told that they are half a credit or more short. If they don't question it they pass from 10 th to 12 th grade after in some cases a "free" summer school session.

TAKS is given once during the 11 th grade and once during the 12 th grade school years. If students never become 11 th graders, they could end up with only one chance to pass TAKS before they graduate and that is during their senior year. By then, it's too late to help them if they fail TAKS during that one opportunity.

A number of us feel the need to expose the practice of manipulating testing criteria and the results.

This practice severely disenfranchises the students by denying the opportunity to test throughout the test periods associated with each exam. We feel the results should be fair – if the student is not performing, we need to address the issue of why that student is not performing rather than covering up a child's testing deficiencies for the sake of increased ratings and bonuses.


Citizens for Aldine candidates have learned that Aldine I.S.D. Central Office has orchestrated a "get out the vote" campaign in support of incumbent, hand-picked candidates, using district resources at taxpayer expense to intimidate and coerce district employees to comply with their directives .

We have heard many claims of district abuses, using various forms of intimidation by administrators at the direction of Central Office to force teachers to vote during work periods and directing them to vote for the incumbents – Now we have the proof!

As late as May 8 th , district administrators were actively engaged in ejecting opposing candidates from public property while passing out campaign literature "near" district property – even though they were legally outside the boundary lines. Here, we have the district openly soliciting employees and parents to support their hand picked candidates, using district employees, during duty hours to support the election of selected Board Trustee incumbents and their hand-picked successors .

We have taken steps to stop this unlawful activity by forwarding a formal complaint to the Texas Secretary of State and the State Attorney General.

It appears that the Board and Central Office will stop at nothing to gain an advantage to win this election! Citizens for Aldine have campaigned on the issue of integrity as a key factor in this election. If the incumbents and administrators engage in this kind of activity to keep their seats, what else will they do? This kind of activity creates a cloud of suspicion over everything they have done and taints the entire Board and Administration. Is this behavior acceptable? If you think not, please go to the polls on May 15, 2004 and make sure you take your friends, family and neighbors with you .

We have a number of other complaints from teachers at other area schools that have been pressured to participate against their will and are afraid to complain for fear of retaliation.

• At Hambrick Middle School . District employees claim that some teachers were called into the principal's office in small groups and told to report to Central Office during class room hours and "Vote for the Current Board!"

• The above complaint was also attributed to employees at Ermel Elementary School .

• At Black Middle School , campaign literature was openly displayed in the Teacher's lounge supporting the incumbents while access was denied to supporters of Citizens for Aldine candidates.


"Aldine Reestablishes its Version of the Poll Tax"

"Frustrate the Residents to the Letter of the Law – but Don't Tell Them What the Law is!"

One would think that "if" I were in charge of a school district that had been under a Federal Desegregation Order for more than 37 years, you might want to keep a low profile when dealing with voting issues that is unfair to the affected residents . . .

That conclusion on my part would prove to be a wrong assumption . . . Today, this candidate had to relive the days of the "poll tax" or it's variant just to exercise the voting rights of a few elderly, disadvantaged residents . . . Here is what happened:

Citizens for Aldine candidates have been busy trying to assist elderly homebound residents in the district in voting by mail. Virtually all of the residents are over age 65 and some are disabled. These citizens value their right to vote and want to exercise that right. However, this candidate knows all too well that advancing age brings about physical impairments that make it difficult to leave your residence and stand in line or for some. Even transportation to the polls is an issue for some residents.

To assist these members of the community, many of whom we encountered through church and civic groups, we offered to provide them with mail ballot applications and personally hand-carry the properly signed and completed applications to the district's office for ballots to be mailed to their home as a matter of convenience.

On April 20, the Early Vote clerk graciously accepted the hand-carried ballot requests without hesitation. Suddenly, as of today, April 23, 2004 , they have now rejected those applications they formally accepted last week.

But, that is not the worst of it. The district is openly engaged in the time honored practice of "STONEWALLING!" Instead of notifying the residents they were rejecting their applications, they are holding onto them and have vowed to send them a letter telling them their application is being rejected. Well, why is that a problem? First , the district has had these ballots for almost a week; Second, the letters should have been mailed the moment they determined they were unacceptable, not when I deliver more ballots to the district.

We have had conversation with several members of the community who are over the age of 65 who were skeptical from the beginning about signing a ballot request. Some stated that in prior years, they have filled out forms requesting mail ballots only to have them rejected for various reasons. The affected residents became frustrated and never voted . These acts started long before our candidacy. This district was cited for discriminatory practices long before we became candidates.

The pattern is clear -- Aldine I.S.D. does not intend to provide any level of fairness and convenience to district voters . They rely on keeping voter turn out low and keeping the public uninformed.

Just follow some of the excuses given to me today on "why" the ballot applications had to be returned:

• We don't have a fax machine in the early vote clerk's office! The question is "why not?" Since the law allows for voters under certain circumstances to send their ballot request via facsimile, why would appoint someone to handle mail ballots if they are not equipped for all of the contingencies?

• We must keep the original ballot requests you provided earlier this week – we cannot return them to you or the applicant. The district then reaches for the election law book and points out that they must retain the rejected applications . . . however, the district never pointed out this information in any paraphernalia to district voters; in fact, the information provided today is inconsistent with the instructions on the ballot form.

The end result of this type of behavior is to frustrate the elderly voters, keep voter turn out low , which favors their "hand-picked" candidates and keeps everything quiet. To require elderly voters to have to fill out the form all over again and either bring the form in personally or mail it to them is ludicrous! If a senior citizen was physically able to drive to the administration's office and personally bring the form, what is the point of requesting a mail ballot? The spirit of the law established this practice as a convenience to voters. Aldine wants to take that away from you. Placing artificial impediments in front of voters is wrong!

This behavior is consistent with similar exhibited by the district when they openly practiced discrimination to the detriment of minority voters causing a federal court to monitor the district for more than 30 years. As of today, this district is comprised of more than 66% Hispanic and 33% African Americans . The district has not realized that they must represent the interests of the entire district, not just their own self interests.

The district's behavior is outrageous and it is clearly time to vote them out! They won't go on their own --- they continue to vote themselves "huge" bonuses , while district voters pay the tab, teachers are over burdened and students are clearly not getting the best education because of overcrowded classrooms and in some cases a lack of support from the administration.


The attached chart outlines the percentage increases Ms. Kujawa and top administrators gave to themselves from 2000 to the present. This is where your tax dollars are being spent instead of in the best interest of the children:

Year Bonus Amount Percent Increase

2000-2001 $2,027,428.20

2001-2002 $3,366,039.65 66%

2002-2003 $9,524,159.55 183%

AISD's Freeport Exemption – Raises Taxes on Resident's Exempts The Richest Companies from Paying Fair Share of Tax Burden

AISD elected to participate in the State's Freeport Exemption program, giving them the option to exempt certain companies from taxation.

The effect of that exemption for district voters resulted in a 10.4% Tax increase , while the district wrote off more than $5 Million in lost revenue to some of this country's richest corporations.

The State of Texas is currently in the process of calling a special session of the legislature to deal with school funding. We want to call attention to the Aldine Board of Trustee actions led by Viola Garcia , A.W. Jones and Steve Mead who support the district's position that lead to the large tax increase and the loss of revenue.

How Does This Affect The District's Mission to Educate our Children?

Simple, there is not enough money to support program costs. In March 2004, the district announced a tax increase to make up a projected $3.5 Million dollar loss . In the same announcement, they stated they were cutting the district budget by $18 Million dollars . If the district had adopted a more general approach to taxation, the tax increase would not be necessary because the Freeport Exemption accounted for more than $5 Million in losses to the district's revenue .

Where Were the Cuts Made?

They came from projected program cuts! Many teachers are anxiously waiting to see where the axe will fall. Educational programs the district thought were beneficial the year before have suddenly become unnecessary. The district does not tell us where the cuts are being made – but you must know that prior year educational objectives will not be met as result of those cuts. You should ask for that information and demand that the district make it clear what educational programs are going to be affected.

y letter to the district regarding the Freeport Exemption information and their response is attached. I urge you to ask the School Board President, Trustees and district administrators why the exemptions were necessary at a time when school funding is virtually unattainable.

AISD's Freeport Exemption – Raises Taxes on Resident's Exempts The Richest Companies from Paying Fair Share of Tax Burden

AISD elected to participate in the State's Freeport Exemption program, giving them the option to exempt certain companies from taxation.

The effect of that exemption for district voters resulted in a 10.4% Tax increase , while the district wrote off more than $5 Million in lost revenue to some of this country's richest corporations.

The State of Texas is currently in the process of calling a special session of the legislature to deal with school funding. We want to call attention to the Aldine Board of Trustee actions led by Viola Garcia , A.W. Jones and Steve Mead who support the district's position that lead to the large tax increase and the loss of revenue.

How Does This Affect The District's Mission to Educate our Children?

Simple, there is not enough money to support program costs. In March 2004, the district announced a tax increase to make up a projected $3.5 Million dollar loss . In the same announcement, they stated they were cutting the district budget by $18 Million dollars . If the district had adopted a more general approach to taxation, the tax increase would not be necessary because the Freeport Exemption accounted for more than $5 Million in losses to the district's revenue .

Where Were the Cuts Made?

They came from projected program cuts! Many teachers are anxiously waiting to see where the axe will fall. Educational programs the district thought were beneficial the year before have suddenly become unnecessary. The district does not tell us where the cuts are being made – but you must know that prior year educational objectives will not be met as result of those cuts. You should ask for that information and demand that the district make it clear what educational programs are going to be affected.

y letter to the district regarding the Freeport Exemption information and their response is attached. I urge you to ask the School Board President, Trustees and district administrators why the exemptions were necessary at a time when school funding is virtually unattainable.


" Nadine Kujawa and Non classroom administrator share in lucrative bonus program "

The Aldine I.S.D. projected a negative $10+ Million shortfall for school year 2003! More than 9.5 million of that budget deficit went for incentive pay, with the highest awards going to the Superintendent and at least one non-classroom administrator.

Concerned citizens believes this kind of leadership is unacceptable! It is a matter of priority. Teachers on the front line of educating our youth should have accounted for the largest portion of these bonuses. These funds could have used to reduce the deficit and put to better use by purchasing instructional supplies and teacher aids to help students.

Concerned citizens has no argument with paying teachers and competent administrators competitive salaries and appropriate bonuses – but not irresponsibly when the district is facing more than $10 Million in deficit spending! The district bonus program needs an overhaul.

Citizens should never have to choose between bonuses and education. We are continuing to review public records to determine why this district with more than $300 Million in revenue had to deal with a $10 Million deficit. It is time to hold this Board of Trustees accountable.

"Aldine Board Appoints New Member After Closed Meeting Without Input From Full Board"

On January 15, 2004 , the Aldine ISD Board announced the appointment of Steve Mead after a closed meeting of selected board members to replace Carlos Diaz who abruptly resigned his seat "to spend more time with his family." Mead's appointment did not come as a surprise since the Board interviewed Mead prior to the 2003 election and unsuccessfully tried to seat him by appointment during the 2003 election.

Mead's selection was not discussed in open meeting – in fact, his selection was made in secret and the full board was not polled before his selection . Mead's appointment and selection is not in and of itself the issue. It is the board's behavior and heavy handed approach to appropriate governance that district citizens should find repulsive. This Board fights tooth and nail to preserve their majority through any means necessary.

Keep in mind that the Board purposely avoided hearing a citizen complaint about Diaz's residency status at a Special Meeting when the Board staged an unprecedented action of not at a special meeting; thereby thwarting a quorum and refusing to hear the complaint. Thereafter, the board took a silent approach and refused to answer questions about their absence and further refused to put the matter on the agenda after Diaz was reelected.

The resignation of Trustees Diaz and Leonard Marcella came about suddenly after concerned citizens addressed the issue with the Texas Secretary of State. The Texas Secretary of State issued an opinion stating that based on the information provided; it would appear that Diaz was not a resident of the district. The Secretary of State letter was dated December 15, 2003 . Curiously, the resignation of Diaz was announced on January 13, 2004 , less than 30 days after the Secretary of State's opinion letter and Marcella announced his decision to step down on February 24, 2004 . It is no coincidence that Marcella's long residence had also been questioned.


The Aldine Board of Trustees, led by Viola Garcia conducted their version of a search, which curiously did not include any of the other candidates who participated in the May 2003 election – This is perhaps the Board's announcement to all that they will vigorously reject anyone whom they do not personally select to serve on the Aldine School Board.

This is not good government! Hold them accountable! We urge district citizens to question this administration and learn more about how they do business. If the district will knowingly sanction false statements to keep its' majority intact, it calls their veracity on all issues into question.

(Editorial Opinion)

This is a forum for teachers who support progressive candidates who will bring attention to deficiencies in the district. The views expressed are those of educators who have a vested interest in the district and the education of our children.

A number of improvement measures would be in order to bring the state of the Aldine ISD up to standard and thereby truly serve the interests of all its stakeholders who are deserving of such a system. There is a glaring deficiency of focus in the district on preparing students with the skills necessary to fill jobs that will allow them to support themselves initially, and eventually provide for a family once they leave the public education arena. It would be in the best of interest of the district in my opinion if the key decision makers would authorize adequate backing for the programs that develop skills through Technical and Career Preparation areas.

The statistical evidence is clearly telling us that the employment rate for jobs that require specialized technical training is on the rise and expected to continue in good demand. The culture of this public school system is typified by the overwhelming belief that heavy academic thrust is the only viable alternative for every student enrolled in its system. This kind of thinking for this district is not consistent with reality.

Even within this biased environment, little or no attention has been given to the actual numbers/percentages which tell us that only 12-16% of our students who start college ever finish and earn a degree.

What is needed? We are not adequately preparing our students who make up the rest of that 80 plus percent who don't go to college. An administration whose purpose is to serve all of its stakeholders in the system should embrace a comprehensive approach that would provide balance and equity for those who are supposed to receive the benefit of an administration with vision -- the students.

This district has not been receptive to alternative viewpoints and has thus far not been responsive to district residents and teachers who attempt to provide opposing points of view.

Citizens for Aldine Has 9,524,160
Reasons Why You Should
Vote for Maurice Parker and Sidney Brewer!

Citizens for Aldine has examined the school budget projections and bonus disbursements for Aldine I.S.D. for the 2002/2003school year. What we found was appalling.

The district reported a net loss of approximately $10 Million dollars for the 2003 school year, prompting a 10.4% increase in your residential property taxes. Ironically, district administrators and employees were paid $9,524,160 Million in bonuses, with the majority share going to Superintendent Nadine Kujawa and Deputy Superintendent Archie Blanson. The $9+ Million pay out exceeded the prior year total of $3,366,039.65 by more than 6 Million dollars, a 183% increase over 2001/2002.

We think the current Board of Trustees should individually address the issue of these bonus payouts and explain why they supported it!

Superintendent Kujawa was paid a bonus of $25K, on top of her generous salary and benefits totaling more than $229,545.00. Deputy Superintendent Blanson, the architect of the Aldine Incentive Plan was paid $12,500, while top level administrators were paid significant sums as compared to the teachers in the district. [CLICK HERE FOR SYNOPSIS OF BONUS DISTRIBUTION]

Citizens for Aldine do not object to competitive salaries, benefits and incentives for employees of the district – in fact, we encourage the use of incentives to attract and retain the best and brightest teachers; however, we do not support the inequitable distribution of district resources when the budget is out of control.

While the district has increased taxes by more than 10% on residential property, the district has dolled out "permanent" exemptions totaling more than $5 Million to some of the largest corporations in the world! At the top of that list is the Halliburton Company, who received exemptions from the district totaling more than $1.3 Million.


Responsible incentives to promote business growth in the district is a good thing – but permanent exemptions is irresponsible at a time when school funding is experiencing crisis status in the State of Texas.

It is time to change this board of trustees for a board that will be responsive to its electorate and who will work with all residents and businesses in the district to balance the budget, promote tax fairness and provide for an education that is second to none and once make this district the model for excellence.

Maurice Parker and Sidney Brewer will balance the district budget and promote fiscal responsibility.

Citizens for Aldine also recommends that you vote for the other progressive and talented candidates running against the incumbents in this election. This Board has been entrenched for so long that they simply don't understand their fiduciary obligation to the citizens and taxpayers of the district. A Transparent – Open Government is good government!

© 2003 The E-Accountability Foundation