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The E-Accountability Foundation announces the

'A for Accountability' Award

to those who are willing to whistleblow unjust, misleading, or false actions and claims of the politico-educational complex in order to bring about educational reform in favor of children of all races, intellectual ability and economic status. They ask questions that need to be asked, such as "where is the money?" and "Why does it have to be this way?" and they never give up. These people have withstood adversity and have held those who seem not to believe in honesty, integrity and compassion accountable for their actions. The winners of our "A" work to expose wrong-doing not for themselves, but for others - total strangers - for the "Greater Good"of the community and, by their actions, exemplify courage and self-less passion. They are parent advocates. We salute you.

Winners of the "A":

Johnnie Mae Allen
David Possner
Dee Alpert
Aaron Carr
Harris Lirtzman
Hipolito Colon
Larry Fisher
The Giraffe Project and Giraffe Heroes' Program
Jimmy Kilpatrick and George Scott
Zach Kopplin
Matthew LaClair
Wangari Maathai
Erich Martel
Steve Orel, in memoriam, Interversity, and The World of Opportunity
Marla Ruzicka, in Memoriam
Nancy Swan
Bob Witanek
Peyton Wolcott
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Darlene Goodman, Gagged in New Mexico by the Los Lunas School District
One of the founders of NAPTA, Darlene will not be silenced about teacher abuse
GOOD MAN DOWN: Darlene Goodman, Gagged in New Mexico by the Los Lunas School District
written by David Blomstrom

Darlene Goodman is a teacher. She never studied law or spent a lot of time figuring out how to network with activists or work the system to collect unemployment. Like most Americans, she thought education was an honorable institution-even as she witnessed incompetence and corruption in her own district.

Today Ms. Goodman has joined the growing number of Americans who know that public education is afflicted with malignant systemic corruption, which manifests itself in incompetence, waste, tyranny, manipulation and sham "education reform." Below is a sampling of Goodman's experiences, along with some of her colleagues. Most of the information comes from information e-mailed to me by Ms. Goodman. Unless noted otherwise, passages in quotations can generally be attributed to Darlene Goodman.

Pearl Harbor

Darlene Goodman: "I left school about five minutes early on March 7th. I had signed out, and I had the teacher across the hall keep an eye on my class, and my student-aide was in there. The bell rings at 2:30. I left my room five minutes before that so that I would not get stuck in traffic. There is only one road out of campus, and we have about 2500 students. I had to get to the bank to fill out paperwork to get a new ATM card.

"I backed out, and started to inch up toward the gate. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw H.[Principal Rex Henington] charging the car, flapping his arms, and screeching! At the top of his lungs, he screamed that I had not signed out and that no one was watching my class. I tried to explain, but he got more and more angry. Everyone knew about the incident with his student in Hobbs, NM, and about his conduct toward two female security guards. Everyone knew about the trail of crying faculty and staff members he left each day, too."

"As I saw the hate and rage in his face, I knew that he was capable of seriously hurting someone, and I was afraid. I parked and went to the new union rep to file a grievance. Eventually, I had to take an hour of personal leave to get to the bank, and I was docked for it. I found out there were witnesses, I talked to them, they were willing to testify at the grievance. The retaliation started the next day."

Teacher Sits on Floor, Creating Safety Hazard; Nabbed by Police & Fired! - - Film at 11


"There are too many incidents of harassment to list. The pre-grievance was March 14th. I asked that H. apologize to me, apologize to everyone he had dragged into the mess, to stay far away from me, and to talk to the superintendent and board members about his temper, so that he could return to anger management classes. He refused."

"He also told us that he had spoken to the witnesses, and that they were ready to testify that I had tried to convince them to agree with my statement, which, they said, was not the truth. He got to them."

"I told him that I was going to press the assault charges I had filed. I honestly thought that if the board and superintendent realized to what lengths I was willing to go to have them control H., that something would be done."

"The harassment escalated. On April 18th, I passed out in the hall when a man I did not know tried to give me another letter. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and was off work for several days. By that time, I was so terrified, that I actually thought he might have been sent to hurt me."

"On May 16th, the last day for seniors, my union rep (I will call her Donna) fainted in class after being presented with another harassing letter. I had been proctoring an AP exam, so I had a sub. After the student gave up on the exam (by the way, H. interrupted twice with harassing letters), I started to my room. I was told that Donna had fainted, so I ran to her room. The EMTs were having a difficult time reviving her, and had called an ambulance. I ended up in the nurse's office with high blood pressure, and an anxiety attack. I was almost hysterical."

"After I calmed down, one of our many vice-principals suggested that I go home, since I already had a sub. I did not want to, because I had two or three senior grades to enter, and I wanted to see the Sr. countdown. She insisted that I needed to leave. I was puzzled by her concern, but finally agreed. I left, got about a mile away, then remembered that I had not entered the grades. I had been written up already for not entering grades when I had entered them, so I know what they would do if I really didn't enter them, so I turned around and went back."

"The kids were just starting their countdown. I was so happy that I got to see it. The vice-principal came over again, and said that Mr. Burnett really wanted me to leave. I told her that I was fine, and that I had to enter the grades, and I wasn't leaving until I had done that."

"After the countdown, two other teachers and I went to my room, where I was going to enter the grades, then leave. The counselor came running in and told me to run. I thought she was kidding, and said 'Are they calling the cops on me?' As I said it, two cops came in, and told me to leave."

"I was confused. I asked them why I had to leave. One said, 'It is Mr. Burnett's school, and he wants you gone.' I answered that it is not B's school, that it belongs to everyone, and that I did not have to leave if I had not been charged with anything."

"So they dragged me down the hall, outside to my car, and shoved me into it. I think someone else drove me home, but I am not sure about that. I was really shook up by then."

"The next day, I was put on administrative leave with pay, but they later took $1,000 from my check to discipline me, and they denied all of my requests for sick days. Interestingly, I was still getting the highest ratings on my evaluations, and even signed my intent to return letter! I signed my contract during the summer for the 2001-2002 year."

"School started with three in-service days---actually it is three days of sitting in the library or auditorium listening to administrators and board members pat themselves and each other on the back. On August 7th I received a call telling me that Donna had been put on administrative leae that day, and that Roger, another history teacher, had been bullied into quitting."

"I called the NEA president, sobbing. I knew that I would be next, and I was terrified. To my surprise, nothing happened on the 8th. On the 9th I was about five minutes late, so I entered the library off to one side, since H. was already talking. I went to the back saw no chairs, and sat on the floor, as teachers often do. After the meeting we all went to lunch. When we got back we started to the auditorium for more speeches."

"A fellow teacher came up to me to tell me she was sorry that my missing former-student had been killed, and put into a dumpster. My knees buckled, and I had to sit down for a second, but we didn't dare be late for the meeting, so we started down the stairs to the auditorium."

"I was very weak, and when we started through the double doors, I sank down into a chair sitting there. I asked to borrow a cell-phone, and told the others that I just was not up to speeches. I needed to clear my head, and I wanted to let my best friend know about my student. I was crying."

"For reasons we still do not know, one of Burnett's toadies, an office worker from main office, got it into her head that I was Donna, who was on administrative leave and not permitted at the school. She took it upon herself to report this to Burnett."

"In the meantime, I calmed down, and went into the auditorium, but it was not long before another assistant superintendent came in to lure me out. After much confusion and arguing and running (I almost got away!)"

"The cops got me again, and starting dragging me to my car. They bent my arm back so hard that they hurt me. I kept asking why they were doing this. They answered that I knew why they were doing it. I was so upset, hurt, and confused."

"After they had dragged me some distance, people came running from the office, screaming, 'You have the wrong person! That is Darlene Goodman, not Donna!' The cops and the assistant superintendent dropped me instantly, huddling together to plan a lie to cover themselves."

"I laughed hysterically (and by this time, I was hysterical) and returned to the inservice. I went to the Dr. after work to get a prescription for pain pills. The pharmacy was too busy to get to them in less than an hour, so I went home and went to bed."

"I went to the next inservice on the morning of Aug. 10th. After about an hour, I went to the office to sign out to go get my pills. When I returned I went into the library through the back door, since H was STILL talking. I got a chair and sat down in the back, directly facing H."

"After the meeting was over, I went to my room to leave supplies, then started down the hall to find one of the vice-principals to discuss my PDP. I was met in the hall by two administrators with yet another letter. I opened it, and read that I was on administrative leave again! There were no charges."

"It was 2-3 weeks before they dreamed up the charges that I sat on the floor during a meeting, and that I blocked the entrance to the auditorium!"

(From another e-mail): " I only sat there for about 10-15 minutes. Teachers, administrators, and the cheerleaders entered and exited while I sat there."

What Was I Fired For???
"The Department of Labor called this afternoon to let me know that I probably won't get unemployment benefits because of the reason I was fired. I asked, 'Because I sat on the floor during a faculty meeting?' There was no answer for a second, then the man said, 'That's not why you were fired, according to the school district.'"

"According to them, I was fired for excessive absences without documentation from my doctor! I nearly dropped the phone! I explained that I was never excessively absent, and that when I was off sick, I supplied the district with notes from the Dr., and I have copies of every one of them. And even if I had been out sick, the school can't suddenly change the reason for my discharge. Isn't there a law against lying to a Federal agency?"

"The newspapers even reported that I was fired for insubordination, which consisted of sitting on the floor and of blocking the entrance to the auditorium with my 105 lb.body, thereby causing a safety hazard!"

(From another e-mail): " For reasons I can't even begin to imagine, the district lied about the reason they fired me. I got a copy of their statement saying that I was fired for taking too many sick days, then refusing to submit excuses from my doctor. They fired me for sitting on the floor during a faculty meeting, and for blocking the entrance to the auditorium! I had copies of my doctor's notes for every day I was ever absent (as does the district), a copy of the local newspaper article stating why I was fired, and a copy of the letter from their lawyer stating the silly reasons I was fired! Taking too many sick days without documentation was never mentioned---because it never happened! While the reasons they fired me were ludicrous, it was even more ludicrous to change their story and lie to the DOL. What could they have been thinking of?!!! This is wonderful for our civil suit, because a Federal agency has declared my termination was not for just cause!"

A Sinking State?
"Yesterday, I found out why the State Superintendent has suddenly become interested in my welfare, after a year of me begging the state for help. The Albuquerque and Los Cruces school districts are embroiled in such corrupt controversies that the NM Attorney General is stepping in. I have called her office before, begging for help, with no response, so I called yesterday to ask what it takes to get her attention. The secretary gave a huge sigh, and said that the Attorney General has been overwhelmed with calls from all over the state demanding that other districts be investigated! It became so bad, that they were forced to open a special investigator's office in Albuquerque, with its own phone line, just to take calls! Needless to say, I called immediately, and called everyone I know to give them the number!"

The Three R's:Retaliation, Retaliation, Retaliation
"I was dragged off again in August. This time, administrators called city police to get me (they hurt me this time) because they thought I was another teacher they were angry at! The cops didn't ask--they just bent my arm behind my back and started dragging me. When office workers came out yelling, 'You have the wrong teacher!' They dropped me like a hot potato."

"The next day I was put on unpaid administrative leave--no charges! One teacher was charged with lying about her credentials and ordered to repay the district $19,000.00! She quit to work somewhere else. In retaliation, Burnett called her new principal and told him that she was unethical, immoral, etc. It just so happened that the teacher charged with lying about her credentials had been the union rep that supported me in my assault complaint against Nenington even after Henington warned her she had better make me drop it."

"Another teacher was put in a closet to teach because they were mad at her! I do not mean a small room; I mean a closet! Mexican National students and special ed students are targeted. If parents complain, their children are retaliated against. Henington had been charged with violence against a student before he was hired by this district, and the board decided he was just what they wanted to keep students---and teachers--in line. . . ."

Psychological Warfare

"Almost all of us involved in the suits are seeing psychologists because of physical and emotional problems caused by the administrators' reign of terror. My psychologist has insisted that I take care of my financial troubles before focusing on national reform of American schools! I see her point---it is easier to do battle when you can live indoors and eat at least once a day! After I fainted at school last April, I was off sick for a few days, going over my limit. Although I qualified for sick-bank days, they were denied me."

War of Attrition:
"I have to fax all of my documents to the DOL [Department of Labor] tomorrow, and I am sure that by then the superintendent's Federal-lawyer wife will have put the pressure on the DOL. Of course, I can appeal, but the case won't be heard until Jan. or Feb. I spoke to my lawyer, who told me that the district has stalled on my arbitration long enough to guarantee it won't be heard until after Christmas. I can go on welfare next week, but it won't be enough to make my house payment. . . ."

We're Professionals???

"[When the superintendent] took my $1000, I called the DOL. To my astonishment, I learned that decades ago legislators, realizing how many hours a week teachers really put it, passed legislation grouping us with professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and railroad officials. That way, we can never ask for overtime, and in theory we have enough money, with our 'professional' salaries, to afford legal help, and do not need any Federal agency to help us. Then to make sure we stay 'in our place,' decent salaries are denied us. If you don't believe me, call your local DOL office, and ask for help in getting wages back that were denied you."

1st Amendment - not for teachers!:
"We are told to whom we can speak and what we can say; the principal announced at the first meeting this year that the board members are sick of teachers trying to talk to them, and he ordered us to stop contacting them. Until this year, I thought it was against the law for teachers to speak to board members, and the night of my termination hearing was the first time I had ever even seen four of the five members! I want to say to my fellow teachers, 'If you write 'Wipe Feet Here' across your forehead, then lie down in front of the door, you WILL be treated like a doormat.'"

Conspiracy of Laziness?:
"The teachers in our district are terrified. Administrators have used me to show the others how much power they have, and to show them that they will not

Another Teacher Fired:
"Another teacher was fired last week. One of his students had asked him to be at a meeting regarding the student, about what, I don't know yet. When the teacher, Mr. Reese, showed up, the administrators were caught off guard---they did not want him there! He was asked to leave, refused, and was fired on the spot!"

Coach Burned, Too:
"Ben Wolfe was a coach at Los Lunas High School who apparently ran afoul of the administration. His sister-in-law, Karen Wolfe, is Superintendent Burnett's secretary and a former friend of Darlene Goodman, who taught both of her kids. Ben Wolfe was involved in a lawsuit with the school district, but Karen Wolfe turned on her brother in-law and children's teacher, selling out to Burnett. Not surprisingly, Ben Wolfe lost in court and lost his job. The other big non-surprise is that Wolfe contributed to the teachers shortage by leaving education."

Former Administrator Banned:
"A former administrator, who was part of the administrative terrorist group for years, but fell out of favor, went to the High School last Friday to visit either a former student or a teacher. When he checked in at the front office, he was told that a new rule has been established at the school---visitors give administrators their car keys, then get them back when they are ready to leave! He refused; they called the state police. One version says he was dragged off like I was, while another version claims that he left before the cops got there. Either way, he has a case against these insane people."

WHAT Teachers Shortage? "When we started the federal lawsuit complaining of gender discrimination and hostile environmen, there were going to be 11 of us, but 3 gave up when retaliation became more severe. Of those left, only one is currently working at the school, and she lives in fear. The others transferred, moved out of state, or retired, as did about another twenty faculty members who could no longer take the harassment, but did not want to sue."

(From another e-mail): " We have lost five more teachers and the librarian at the high school since I last 'wrote.' I discovered that the grades of all of the students from two of last semester's classes are illegal since neither class ever had a teacher."

Community Support: "Teachers began a collection for me, but principal Henington ordered them to stop. Students held a car wash to raise funds for me. Many (but not all) of them were members of SADD, so administrators ordered me to give the money to SADD. Then they charged the SADD sponsor, with embezzlement. She was not involved in the car wash---but she was my union rep!"

"Teachers managed to collect money for me in secret, and churches, friends, and relatives brought me food throughout the summer. Now that I have been terminated, I have no source of income. The Dept. of Labor has never encountered anyone fired for sitting on the floor, so they can't decide if I am eligible for unemployment or not! I have enough money to survive for a few more weeks, and I have started the process for welfare, a humiliating experience for me. However, I will start drawing a small retirement in February, and I would rather spend my time wreaking havoc, at least until I am flat broke!"

Darlene is no longer allowed to talk about the abuses of her district. Her district coerced her into a gag order because she had no money for food or medicine. She wrote this prior to the gag order and it was on the web and NAPTA is taking responsibility for its publication. Darlene is working with NAPTA and is dedicated to eradicating teacher abuse so that our schools will be about educating children for a healthy society. She can talk about other schools!"

© 2003 The E-Accountability Foundation